Book Reviews

  • 3 Mistakes I Made While Self-Publishing My First Book (And What I Learnt From Them)

    3 Mistakes I Made While Self-Publishing My First Book (And What I Learnt From Them)

    Being an author has been my lifelong dream. Not for the fame of it or simply as a passive income, but to be the change for many that many authors and poets had been for me. Growing up, reading introduced me to worlds that were in many ways better than the one I was living… Read more

  • The Five People We Meet In Heaven

    The Five People We Meet In Heaven

    “All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.” Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet In Heaven The moment I finished reading #tuesdayswithmorrie my biggest dilemma was finding a book good enough to keep me in my reading flow as well as match up with the feelings that it left me with.… Read more

  • We’re Tuesday People

    We’re Tuesday People

    “Life is a series of pulls back and forth… A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. Most of us live somewhere in the middle. A wrestling match…Which side win? Love wins. Love always wins” Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie I have never been a non-fiction reader. It’s not that I have… Read more

  • Love, Lust, and Other Revelations

    Love, Lust, and Other Revelations

    “Love, Lust, & Other Revelations” by Geetika Saini is a captivating collection of free verse poetry that delves deep into the intricate emotions surrounding love, lust, and infatuation. Through the her poignant words, readers are taken on a profound journey through the highs and lows of romantic entanglements, coming off age, the yearnings of heart,… Read more

  • Roman Stories; A Book of Short Stories With a Heavy Heart

    Roman Stories; A Book of Short Stories With a Heavy Heart

    Roman Stories; A Book of Short Stories With a Heavy Heart Read more

  • Reasons Why I Love Writing

    Reasons Why I Love Writing

    “A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”–Thomas Mann, Essays of Three Decades Different people have different reasons for writing, and not everyone does it as a career. Some just love writing for reasons known only to themselves. I for one fell in love with it when I… Read more

I’m Angel

Hey there,

Welcome to my website. I am a poet and writer who finds comfort in prose and has grown up reading and breathing literature, which sparked my dream of becoming an author. After over a decade of writing for myself, and working as a professional content writer for magazines, websites and media houses, I finally decided to feed my soul and write for myself. I have spent my growing years in New Delhi and Lucknow. The two literary and culturally gifted cities show their influence in my work. Though the hot summer in both cities is a good reason for me to stir a glass of Rooh Afza, I covet a good snowfall. When I’m not writing, I can be found with my muse and escape, cinema.

Being inspired by stories, I hope to inspire people to share their own. The intent that drives my work is to make the world a kinder place by making emotional expression the norm. WrittenByAngel is the first step in that direction.

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